Welcome to my little piece on the world wide web. The Family Learning Corner is important to me because I was a struggling reader when I was a little girl in the second grade. I remember it vividly (as vividly as I can I was 7or 8 see what I mean). My teacher, Mrs. Donovan asked me to stay afterschool. I was so scared I was in trouble and those were the days of corporal punishment. Anyway, afteschool she asked me to read a selection. I read the passage flawlessly. "You can read, you just need to take your time", Mrs. Donovan told me. She placed me in the afterschool reading group and for the rest of that day I read with the group. Just her encouragement alone was enough to spark an interest of reading in me that still burns strong.
My daughter needs that same encouragement. Her entire time in elementary school I have been given tips tricks, strategies and I am sharing them with you. Can you share some with me as well?
In the sidebar I have links to that expand on the tips, tricks and strategies. Through out the blog I will post stories and suggestions on how to help your reader and links that expand on them.
This is a community, I will question and bug you (as i hope you will do the same)! First through third grade are critical times in a readers life. Why not start early these strategies can be used before children enter the school system.
Stay tuned for more to come
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