Monday, April 16, 2012

The Reading Nook

Reading has always been an important part of learning and an enjoyable pastime. Reading nooks provide comfortable, quiet places to retreat to and curl up with a good book. They aren't just for reading, either. A nook is great for talking on the phone, drawing, and listening to music. Almost anything you like to have a peaceful spot for doing you can do in your very own reading nook.

Here are some ideas: Check out my pinterest board for more ideas!

Question: Do you have a reading nook/area in your home?


  1. I really like the idea of reading in a hammock in front of windows with the sun shining in. This seems like a really relaxing spot!

  2. Yes a hammock in the front of a nice sunny windows does sound good. I can feel the wrmth just thinking about it. I am not sure it would be used for reading and I would have to have two. Thank you for commenting!

  3. The great thing about creating something like a reading nook is the flexibility of resources for many ideas. I think kids would like a nook with a favorite theme. When I was a boy I loved mystery stories: Encyclopedia Brown, Hardy Boys, Sherlock Holmes. I would have loved a reading nook with small detection items, like a magnifying glass around to make my words larger.

    1. My son love race cars. I think he would enjoy a space just for himself as well what a great idea. Thanks for commenting!
